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Robertson, 1939b
The status of Cephalaspis schrenkii Pander from the Upper Silurian of Oesel
Robertson, G. M.
Year | 1939 |
Journal | The Journal of Geology |
Volume | 47 |
Number | 6 |
Pages | 649-657 |
Type | article in journal |
Language | English |
Id | 1863 |
Cephalaspis schrenckii Pander is a Silurian ostracoderm generically distinct from both Cephalaspis and the forms to which the term Tremataspis is usually applied. Under strict application of taxonomic law this species is the genotype of Tremataspis. This would result in confusion; it is advocated that the rules be suspended and C. schrenckii be made the type of a new genus, Witaaspis.
Last change: 11.12.2020