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Männil, Ralf et al., 1958
Geological excursion guidebook of the scientific session, dedicated to the 50th year of death of academician F. Schmidt
Männil, Ralf, Orviku, K., Rähni, E.
Year | 1958 |
Title original | Путеводитель геологической экскурсии научной сессии, посвященной 50-й годовщине со дня смерти акад. Ф. Б. Шмидта |
Book | Geological excursion guidebook of the scientific session, dedicated to the 50th year of death of academician F. Schmidt |
Editor(s) | Orviku, K. |
Publisher | Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia |
Publisher place | Tallinn |
Pages | 1-40 |
Type | book |
OpenAccess | |
Estonian author | |
Language | Russian |
Id | 1936 |
Last change: 24.5.2022