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Bergström et al., 2008

Implications of a new, biostratigraphically well-controlled, radio-isotopic age for the lower Telychian Stage of the Llandovery Series (Lower Silurian, Sweden)

Bergström, S. M., Toprak, F. Ö., Huff, W. D., Mundil, R.
Typearticle in journal


Radio-isotopic analysis of single zircons from two early Telychian K-bentonites, one of which is among the most widespread Lower Paleozoic volcanic ash falls in northern Europe, yields overlapping weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 438.7 ± 1.0 Ma and 437.8 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. The former age is from zircons of the Osmundsberg K-bentonite from the type locality at Osmundsberget in the Siljan area of central Sweden where it occurs in the lower part of the Spirograptus turriculatus Graptolite Zone and in the lower part of the Angochitina longicollis Chitinozoan Zone. Zircons giving the latter age are from a bed previously identified as the Osmundsberg K-bentonite at the Kallholn Quarry in the same area. Based on new biostratigraphic data, the latter bed is now considered to be slightly younger than the Osmundsberg K-bentonite. The dated stratigraphic level of the ash layers is slightly younger than the base of the Telychian Stage and thus represents a minimum age for the Aeronian/Telychian Stage boundary. A U-Pb age of > 438 Ma for the base of this stage, however, is older and in conflict with estimates in the most recent compilation of the Silurian time scale. In view of the fact that only three radio-isotopic dates from the entire Llandovery have been previously accepted, this new and biostratigraphically exceptionally well-controlled radio-isotopic date fills an important gap in the Lower Silurian geochronology.

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