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Vorobyeva, 2004b

Class Sarcopterygii

Vorobyeva, E. I.
Title originalKласс Sarcopterygii
BookFossil vertebrates of Russia and adjacent countries. Agnathans and early fisches. The reference book for palaeontologists and geologists
Book title translatedFossil vertebrates of Russia and adjacent countries. Agnathans and early fisches. The reference book for palaeontologists and geologists
Book title originalБесчелюстные и рыбы. Ископаемые позвоночные России и сопредельных стран
Editor(s)Novitskaya, L. I., Afanassieva, O. B.
Publisher placeMoscow
Belongs toNovitskaya, 2004 (ed)
Typearticle in book
Last change: 2.3.2024
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