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Chen, Z. et al., 2020b

First documentation of Llandovery (Silurian) conodont genus Astropentagnathus in China (Langao, Shaanxi Province) and the age of Baiyaya Formation

Chen, Z., Männik, P., Wang, X., Li, C., Wang, J.
Typearticle in journal
Estonian author


Age of the Baiyaya Formation in the Ziyang-Langao region of Shaanxi Province remains debatable. Ten samples were taken for conodont biostratigraphical studies from the Tianwancun section. The first discovery of Astropentagnathus in China indicates that the genus has a wider geographical distribution than previously known. Conodont fauna from the Baiyaya Formation suggests that the lower part of the unit corresponds to the Pterospathodus eopennatus Superbiozone, and its upper part to the lower Wenlock (probably mainly to the Kockelella ranuliformis Superbiozone). Diachroneity of the Baiyaya Formation in the region is confirmed by conodont studies from the Tianwancun and Qiaoxi sections. Further studies are required to find out age-variation of the formation more precisely.

Last change: 16.9.2021
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