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Schallreuter & Hinz-Schallreuter, 2011c

STEUSLOFFs ordovizische Geschiebe-Ostrakoden

Schallreuter, R., Hinz-Schallreuter, I.
Title translatedSTEUSLOFF’s Ordovician Ostracodes from Geschiebes (glacial erratic boulders)
JournalArchiv für Geschiebekunde
Typearticle in journal


STEUSLOFF 1895 established 26 species and subspecies of ostracodes from Ordovician geschiebes (glacial erratic boulders) of Neubrandenburg (Northern Germany) which have been revised by the authors since 1964 in different papers. With the revision of Primitia curva, P. rugosa, Strepula constans, and S. lineata granulosa the revision is completed. It has shown that eight species are synonyms of older/own species, 9 (?10) species have younger synonyms, and one species (Primitia angulata) must be considered as nomen dubium because type and comparative material are lacking (table 1). The holotype of Entomis umbonata (type-species of Ctenentoma SCHMIDT,1941, Black Orthoceras limestone) and the lectotype of Hesslandona polita (STEUSLOFF, 1895) from a geschiebe of Furongian age are figured. Steusloffina cuneata is reported also from Novaya Semlya. The person ALBERT STEUSLOFF is briefly complied with in the appendix.

Last change: 16.3.2022
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