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Kurshs, 1986
Râdy facial'nyh tipov osadkov i usloviâ zahoroneniâ ryb v ranne-srednedevonskih bassejnah Latvii
Kurshs, V. M.
Year | 1986 |
Title translated | Rows of facial types of sediments and conditions of burial of fish in the Early Middle Devonian basins of Latvia |
Title original | Ряды фациальных типов осадков и условия захоронения рыб в ранне-среднедевонских бассейнах Латвии |
Book | Biofacies and fauna of the Silurian and Devonian basins of the Baltic |
Book title translated | Biofacies and fauna of the Silurian and Devonian basins of the Baltic |
Book title original | Биофации и фауна силурийского и девонских бассейнов Прибалтики. Pед: Брангулис, А. |
Publisher | Zinatne |
Publisher place | Riia |
Belongs to | Brangulis, A., 1986 (ed) |
Pages | 61-72 |
Type | article in book |
Language | Russian |
Id | 4083 |
Last change: 21.2.2022