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Jux & Steuber, 1992

Isotopic ratios of Ccarb and Corg in Silurian formations of Gotland as an indicator of sea level changes and crustal movements

Jux, U., Steuber, T.
Title translatedIsotopic ratios of Ccarb and Corg in Silurian formations of Gotland as an indicator of sea level changes and crustal movements
JournalNeues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte
Typearticle in journal


Rock samples from the Silurian formations of Gotland were studied in respect of chemical (major elements) and isotopic (Ccarb, Corg and Ocarb) compositions. Three rhythms are delineated in the section which trace back to world-wide sea level changes and interacting crustal movements. The isotopic ratios of Ccarb and Corg refer to correlated fluxes in the global carbon cycle, however, decisive palaeoclimatic changes are not evidenced.

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