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Arkadiev, 2023

Catalogue of the collection to the E. I. Eichwald’s monograph "Paleontology of Russia. Ancient period. Flora of greywacke, mountain-calcareous and cupriferous formations of Russia” [Каталог коллекции к монографии Э. И. Эйхвальда “Флора граувакковой, горноизвестковой и медистосланцеватой формаций России” (1854)]

Arkadiev, V. V.
Author originalАркадьев, В. В.
Publisher placeSt. Petersburg
Estonian author


The catalogue has information about 165 specimens of the E. I. Eichwald`s collection to the monograph “Paleontology of Russia. Ancient period. Flora of greywacke, mountain-calcareous and cupriferous formations of Russia” (1854). There are provided images of 128 species which E. I. Eichwald referred to algae, ferns, lycopsidae, horsetails, dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. This collection is kept in the Paleontological Museum of St. Petersburg State University

Last change: 12.1.2024
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