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Vialov, 1978 (ed)

Traces of the most ancient organisms and problems of reconstruction of paleogeographical conditions of the past (Sledy žiznedeâtel'nosti drevnejših organizmov i problemy rekonstrukcii paleogeografičeskih obstanovok prošlogo)

Vialov, O. S. (ed)
BookTraces of the most ancient organisms and problems of reconstruction of paleogeographical conditions of the past (Sledy žiznedeâtel'nosti drevnejših organizmov i problemy rekonstrukcii paleogeografičeskih obstanovok prošlogo)
Book title originalСледы жизнедеятельности древнейших организмов и проблемы реконструкции палеогеографических обстановок прошлого
Editor(s)Vialov, O. S.
PublisherIzd. Kol. Fil. AN SSSR and Sev. Fil. Geogr. O-va SSSR
Publisher placeApatity
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