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Kröger & Isakar, 2006

Revision of annulated orthoceridan cephalopods of the Baltoscandic Ordovician

Kröger, B., Isakar, M.
JournalFossil Record
Typearticle in journal
Estonian author


The annulated orthoceridans of the Middle and Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia are described and their systematic frame is revised. The revision of these nautiloids, which are part of the Orthocerida and Pseudorthocerida, is based on the investigation of characters of the septal neck, the siphuncular tube, and the apex. An unequivocal terminology of these characters issuggested and applied. The shape of the septal neck and the siphuncular tube are described for the first time in Palaeodawsonoceras n. gen., Striatocycloceras n. gen., Dawsonoceras fenestratum Eichwald, 1860, and Gorbyoceras textumaraneum (Roemer, 1861). Ctenoceras sweeti n. sp. is erected. The apex of Dawsonoceras barrandei Horny, 1956 is figured and described for the first time. The distribution of the character states of the apex and the septal neck support the emendation of the families Orthoceratidae, Dawsonoceratidae, and Proteoceratidae. The analysis shows also that the families Kionoceratidae, and Leuroceratidae must be refused because they represent not natural groups. However, it is also shown that the present knowledge is not sufficient to establish an unequivocal classification of the Middle, and Late Ordovician annulate cephalopods.

Last change: 12.1.2025
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