Year | 1976 |
Title translated | Trace fossils and their classification |
Title original | Следы жизнедеятельности организмов и их классификация |
Book | Pâtidesâtiletie sovetskoj paleontologii i voprosy sistematiki drevnih organizmov |
Book title translated | The fiftieth anniversary of the Soviet paleontology and questions of the systematics of ancient organism |
Book title original | Пятидесятилетие советской палеонтологии и вопросы систематики древних организмов |
Editor(s) | Lipman, R. H. |
Publisher | Nauka |
Publisher place | Leningrad |
Pages | 18-25 |
Type | article in book |
Language | Russian |
Id | 8474 |
Last change: 29.12.2024