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Early Paleozoic conodonts from Baltica

Hints, O., Männik, P., Lieffroy, T.

Library references

125 results
Boundary between the Porkuni and Juuru regional stages in the Neitla section, Estonia
Männik, P., Nõlvak, J.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 66-69 | article in journal
Paired carbon isotope chemostratigraphy across the Ordovician–Silurian boundary in central East Baltic: Regional and global signatures
Hints, O., Ainsaar, L., Lepland, A., Liiv, M., Männik, P., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J., Radzevičius, S.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 624 | Pages: 1-17 | article in journal
Oxygen isotope composition of Ordovician conodonts: a SIMS approach from the East Baltic
Hints, O., Männik, P., Wudarska, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Joachimski, M., Lepland, A.
Second Annual Meeting of IGCP 735. October 19-20, 2022. Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life. Abstract Book
Year: 2022 | Pages: 35-35 | abstract
Emended Sandbian (Ordovician) conodont biostratigraphy in Baltoscandia and a new species of Amorphognathus
Paiste, T., Männik, P., Meidla, T.
Geological Magazine
Year: 2023 | Volume: 160 | Pages: 411-427 | article in journal
The record of early Silurian climate changes from South China and Baltica based on integrated conodont biostratigraphy and isotope chemostratigraphy
Yan, G., Lehnert, O., Männik, P., Calner, M., Luan, X., Gong, F., Li, L., Wei, X., Wang, G., Zhan, R., Wu, R.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2022 | Volume: 606 | Pages: 111245 | article in journal
Sandbian (Late Ordovician) conodonts in Estonia: distribution and biostratigraphy
Paiste, T., Männik, P., Meidla, T.
Year: 2022 | Pages: 1-15 | article in journal
The base of Tetragraptus approximatus Zone at Mt. Hunneberg, S. W. Sweden: A proposed Global Stratotype for the Base of the second Series of the Ordovician System
Maletz, J., Löfgren, A., Bergström, S. m.
Newsletters on Stratigraphy
Year: 1996 | Volume: 34 | Pages: 129-159 | article in journal
Conodonts from the lower Ordovician at Hunneberg, south-central Sweden
Löfgren, A.
Geological Magazine
Year: 1993 | Volume: 130 | Pages: 215-232 | article in journal
Evolution, taxonomy and relationships of the Silurian conodont genus Pterospathodus
Aldridge, R. J., Männik, P.
The Murchison Symposium. Programme and Abstracts. University of Keele, U. K., 28 March - 9. April 1989
Year: 1989 | Pages: 23-24 | abstract
New detailed conodont zonation for the Telychian, late Llandovery
Männik, P.
ECOS VII. Seventh International Conodont Symposium. Abstracts. Bologna-Modena June 18-22, 1998
Year: 1998 | Pages: 65-67 | abstract
Konodonty ordovika i silura. Biostratigrafičeskie očerki
Männik, P.
Stratigrafiâ silura i devona arhipelaga Severnaâ Zemlâ
Year: 1999 | Pages: 110-120 | article in book
Granica ordovika i silura na zapadnom sklone Pripolârnogo Urala
Beznosova, T. M., Maidľ, T. V., Männik, P., Martma, T.
Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya
Year: 2011 | Volume: 19 | Pages: 21-39 | article in journal
Granica llandoveri i venloka na severe paleokontinenta Baltiâ
Beznosova, T. M., Männik, P.
Doklady Akademii Nauk
Year: 2005 | Volume: 401 | Pages: 1-4 | article in journal
Conodonts of the Middle/Upper Ordovician boundary beds in Estonia
Viira, V.
International Conodont Symposium 2006, Abstracts
Year: 2006 | Pages: 82-82 | abstract
Osobennosti rasprostraneniâ pozdnesilurijskih konodontov v Severnoj Pribaltike
Viira, V.
27-j Meždunarodnyj geologičeskij kongres: tezisy, tom IX
Year: 1984 | Volume: IX | Pages: 66-67 | abstract
Climate changes in the pre-Hirnantian Late Ordovician based on δ18Ophos studies from Estonia
Männik, P., Lehnert, O., Nõlvak, J., Joachimski, M. M.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2021 | Volume: 569 | Pages: 110347 | article in journal
Arenig conodont successions from central Sweden
Löfgren, A.
Year: 1993 | Volume: 115 | Pages: 193-207 | article in journal
Eesti Llandovery konodontide ökostratigraafiline analüüs
Männik, P.
Year: 1978 | Pages: 1-95 | diploma thesis / BSc thesis
Upper Ordovician and Silurian conodonts
Männik, P.
The Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian stratigraphy and fauna of Kotelny Island (New Siberian Islands)
Year: 2018 | Pages: 163-176 | article in book
Early Telychian Valgu Event – some preliminary data from Estonia
Männik, P.
Evolution of life on the Earth: Proceedings of the III International Symposium, November 1-3, 2005, Tomsk.
Year: 2005 | Pages: 134-137 | abstract
Clarifying the Kukruse–Haljala stage boundary in northwest Estonia
Paiste, T., Meidla, T., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J.
The Palaeontological Association 62nd Annual Meeting 14th–17th December 2018 University of Bristol
Year: 2018 | Pages: 47-47 | abstract
Events in the succession of Upper Ordo­vician and lower Silurian conodonts in the Baltic region
Männik, P.
Contributions: International Symposium “Palaeogeography and Global Correlation of Ordovician Events”, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 5-7, 2006.
Year: 2006 | Pages: 34-36 | abstract
Upper Ordovician and lower Silurian conodonts in Estonia
Männik, P.
Dissertationes Geologicae Universitatis Tartuensis
Year: 1992 | Volume: 1 | Pages: 1-355 | PhD thesis / Doctoral thesis / Candidate thesis
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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