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Männik, 1999b

Konodonty ordovika i silura. Biostratigrafičeskie očerki

Männik, P.
Title translatedConodonts of the Ordovician and Silurian. Biostratigraphic essays
Title originalКонодонты ордовика и силура. Биостратиграфические очерки
BookStratigrafiâ silura i devona arhipelaga Severnaâ Zemlâ
Book title translatedSilurian and Devonian stratigraphy of Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago
Book title originalСтратиграфия силура и девона архипелага Северная Земля
Editor(s)Matukhin, R. G., Menner, V. V
Publisher placeNovosibirsk
Typearticle in book
Estonian author
Last change: 19.4.2023
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