Virtual reference collection

Anne Kleesment, bibliography

Toom, U.

Library references

214 results
Geological, geochemical, geophysical and petrophysical studies for structural modeling of the Kärdla crater, Estonia
Puura, V., Plado, J., Kirsimäe, K., Kivisilla, J., Kleesment, A., Niin, M.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
59th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
Year: 1996 | Volume: 31 | Pages: A113-A114 | abstract
Carbonate and siliciclastic lithologies analysis by rock physics data from Estonian part of Baltic Palaeozoic sedimentary basin
Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Jõeleht, A.
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, 2004, Italy. Scientific Sessions: abstracts (part 2)
Year: 2004 | Pages: 951-951 | abstract
Magnetic properties of Devonian carbonate-siliciclastic rocks from Estonia
Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Shogenov, V., Jõeleht, A.
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
Year: 2004 | Volume: 34 | Pages: 132-133 | abstract
Composition and Properties of Estonian Palaeozoic and Ediacaran Sedimentary Rocks
Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Shogenov, K., Jõeleht, A., Põldvere, A.
Conference Proceedings, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, Jun 2010, cp-161-00561
Year: 2010 | abstract
Petrophysical and Geochemical Variations within the Palaeozoic Dolomites from South-Estonian Boreholes
Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Teedumäe, A., Einasto, R., Vaher, R., Jõeleht, A., Shogenov, V.
Extended abstracts book : 65th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway, 2-5 June 2003
Year: 2003 | Pages: 171-171 | abstract
Influence of diagenetic changes on the composition and properties of the Vendian and Palaeozoic Rocks of Estonia
Shogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Jõeleht, A., Shogenov, V.
The Baltic. The Eighth Marine Geological Conference. September 23.-28. 2004 Tartu, Estonia. Abstracts. Excursion Guide
Year: 2004 | Pages: 50-50 | abstract
Kallaste pank
Kleesment, A.
Eesti geoloogide neljas ülemaailmne kokkutulek. Eesti geoloogia uue sajandi künnisel. Konverentsi materjalid ja ekskursioonijuht
Year: 2003 | Pages: 119-120 | abstract
Kärdla crater: the transient and present structure, localization of shocked minerals, estolites, carbon-coated fused quartz, and K-metasomatites
Puura, V., Kirs, J., Konsa, M., Kleesment, A., Plado, J., Preeden, U., Suuroja, K.
The 8th ESF- IMPACT Workshop in Mora, Sweden, May 31 - June 3, 2002. Abstracts
Year: 2002 | Pages: 53-53 | abstract
Devonian. Appendixes 1-6
Kleesment, A.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Valga (10) drill core
Year: 2001 | Pages: 24-36 | article in journal
Devonian sedimentation basin
Kleesment, A.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Year: 1997 | Pages: 205-208 | article in book
New findings of fish microremains in sections of the Burtnieki Regional Stage
Märss, T., Niit, M. Kleesment, A.
Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication
Year: 2003 | Volume: 7 | Pages: 42-43 | abstract
General geological setting and stratigraphy
Põldvere, Anne, Kleesment, A., Kajak, K., Mens, K.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Tsiistre (327) drill core
Year: 2007 | Volume: 8 | Pages: 5-8 | book
Core description and terminology
Põldvere, Anne, Kleesment, A., Kajak, K., Mens, K.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Tsiistre (327) drill core
Year: 2007 | Volume: 8 | Pages: 5-5 | book
Litologičeskie kriterii korrelâtsii razrezov terrigennogo devona Pribaltiki
Kleesment, A., Kurš, V., Narbutas, V.
Materialy po stratigrafii Pribaltiki (k Mežvedomstvennomu stratigrafičeskomu soveŝaniû, Vil'nûs, maj 1976 g.)
Year: 1976 | Pages: 64-66 | abstract
Tamme paljand
Kleesment, A.
Eesti Geoloogia Seltsi suvepäevad 04.-06. juuli 2008. Matk Tamme paljandisse
Year: 2008 | article in book
Clastic dikes in Devonian of Estonia
Kleesment, A., Puura, V.
The Baltic Sea Region: Formation and Deformation of the Crust. Seminar in Tartu, Estonia, March 4, 2003. Programme and Abstracts
Year: 2003 | Pages: 33-33 | abstract
General geological setting and stratigraphy
Põldvere, Anne, Kleesment, A., Mens, K., Niin, M., Lääts, J.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Mehikoorma (421) drill core
Year: 2005 | Volume: 6 | Pages: 6-10 | article in journal
Core description and terminology
Põldvere, Anne, Kleesment, A., Mens, K., Niin, M.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Mehikoorma (421) drill core
Year: 2005 | Volume: 6 | Pages: 5-6 | article in journal
Kleesment, A., Valiukevičius, J.
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Tartu (453) drillcore
Year: 1998 | Pages: 17-19 | article in journal
Basic concepts and methodology
Põldvere, Anne, Kleesment, A.,
Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin
Tartu (453) drillcore
Year: 1998 | Pages: 7-10 | article in journal
Middle Devonian
Kleesment, A., Mark-Kurik, E.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Year: 1997 | Pages: 112-121 | article in book
Lower Devonian
Kleesment, A., Mark-Kurik, E.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Year: 1997 | Pages: 107-112 | article in book
Petrophysical model of sedimentary rocks from Ruhnu borehole, Estonia
Shogenova, A., Jõeleht, A., Einasto, R., Kleesment, A., Mens, K., Vaher, R.
Extended abstracts volume, Russia, Moscow, OS9/1425
Year: 2003 | Pages: 1-4 | abstract
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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