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Hints, L. et al., 1993
On the boundary stratotypes of the Ordiovician stages in the East Baltic
Hints, L., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J.
Year | 1993 |
Book | The Second Baltic Stratigraphic Conference, Vilnius, 9-14 May 1993. Abstracts |
Editor(s) | Grigelis, A., Jankauskas, T.-R., Mertinienė, R. |
Publisher | The Geological Society of Lithuania |
Publisher place | Vilnius |
Belongs to | Grigelis et al., 1993 (eds) |
Pages | 25-25 |
Type | abstract |
Estonian author | |
Language | English |
Id | 13958 |
9.-14. May 1993 Vilnius
Last change: 27.12.2024