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Konsa, 1981
Aluskorra erinevate kivimikomplekside kajastumine settekompleksi basaalkihtide mineraloogias (Tapa Arhaikumi ploki näitel)
Konsa, M.
Year | 1981 |
Title translated | Reflection of different crystalline rock complexes of the basement in the mineral composition of the basal layers of the overlying sedimentary cover (on the example of the Archean block of Tapa) |
Book | Settekivimid ja tektoonika |
Editor(s) | Pirrus, E. |
Publisher | Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts |
Publisher place | Tallinn |
Belongs to | Pirrus, 1981a (toim) |
Pages | 64-70 |
Type | article in book |
Estonian author | |
Language | Estonian |
Id | 15418 |
Last change: 21.7.2020