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Tallinn, 1981
Tektooniliste rikete tähtsusest magneesiumivaeste lubjakivimaardlate otsingul Pandivere kõrgustiku edelaosas
Tallinn, K.
Year | 1981 |
Title translated | The importance of tectonic disturbances in the search for magnesium-poor limestone deposits in the southwestern part of Pandivere elevation |
Book | Settekivimid ja tektoonika |
Editor(s) | Pirrus, E. |
Publisher | Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts |
Publisher place | Tallinn |
Belongs to | Pirrus, 1981a (toim) |
Pages | 126-133 |
Type | article in book |
Estonian author | |
Language | Estonian |
Id | 15420 |
Last change: 21.7.2020