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Springis, 1974
The Lower and Middle Ordovician lithostratigraphical units of western and central Latvia
Springis, T. K.
Year | 1974 |
Title translated | The Lower and Middle Ordovician lithostratigraphical units of western and central Latvia |
Title original | Литостратиграфические подразделения нижнего и среденго ордовика Западной и Централ Латвиа |
Book | Regional Geology of the East Baltic |
Book title translated | Regional Geology of the East Baltic |
Book title original | Региональная геология Прибалтики |
Editor(s) | Sorokin, V. S. |
Publisher | Zinatne |
Publisher place | Riia |
Belongs to | Sorokin, 1974 (ed) |
Pages | 26-31 |
Type | article in book |
Language | Russian |
Id | 1927 |
Last change: 10.1.2025