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Zaitsev et al., 2002
Sedimentary conditions of Latorpian - Kundan Stages (Lower - Middle Ordovician) of the central part of Ladoga Klint (NW Russian platform)
Zaitsev, A. V., Baraboshkin, E. J., Kosorukov, V. L.
Year | 2002 |
Book | The Fifth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference "Basin Stratigraphy – Modern Methods and Problems", September 22 – 27, 2002, Vilnus, Lithuania: Extended Abstracts |
Editor(s) | Satkunas, J., Lazauskiene, J. |
Publisher | Geological Survey of Lithuania |
Publisher place | Vilnius |
Belongs to | Satkūnas & Lazauskienė, 2002 (eds) |
Pages | 227-229 |
Type | abstract |
Language | English |
Id | 34903 |
Last change: 25.12.2024