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Nestor, H., 1981a


Nestor, H. E.
Title translatedStromatoporates
Title originalСтроматопораты
BookReport on stratigraphical scheme of the Upper Silurian Deposits in Vaygach and Southern Novaya Zemlya Region
Book title translatedReport on stratigraphical scheme of the Upper Silurian Deposits in Vaygach and Southern Novaya Zemlya Region
Book title originalОбъяснительная записка к схеме стратиграфии верхнесилурийских отложений Вайгачско-Южноновоземельского региона
PublisherVNII Okeangeologia
Publisher placeLeningrad
Belongs toNekhorosheva, 1981 (ed)
Typearticle in book
Figureseraldi raamat
Estonian author
Last change: 22.1.2023
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