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Dorador & Rodríguez-Tovar, 2020

CroSSED sequence, a new tool for 3D processing in 988 geosciences using the free software 3DSlicer

Dorador, J., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. J.
DOI10.1038/s41597- 989 020-00614-y
Typearticle in journal


The scientific application of 3D imaging has evolved significantly over recent years. These techniques make it possible to study internal features by non-destructive analysis. Despite its potential, the development of 3D imaging in the Geosciences is behind other fields due to the high cost of commercial software and the scarce free alternatives. Most free software was designed for the Health Sciences, and the pre-settled workflows are not suited to geoscientific materials. Thus, an outstanding challenge in the Geosciences is to define workflows using free alternatives for Computed Tomography (CT) data processing, promoting data sharing, reproducibility, and the development of specific extensions. We present CroSSED, a processing sequence for 3D reconstructions of CT data, using 3DSlicer, a popular application in medical imaging. Its usefulness is exemplified in the study of burrows that have low-density contrast with respect to the host sediment. For geoscientists who have access to CT data and wish to reconstruct 3D structures, this method offers a wide range of possibilities and contributes to open-science and applied CT studies.

Last change: 12.9.2023
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