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Clokie et al., 1981
Depth Maxima of Conchocelis and Phymatolithon rugulosum on the N. W. Shelf and Rockall Plateau
Clokie, J. J. P., Scoffin, T. P., Boney, A .D.
Year | 1981 |
Journal | Marine Ecology Progress Series |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 1 |
Pages | 131-133 |
Type | article in journal |
Language | English |
Id | 51210 |
Conchocelis filaments in shells have been found at depths from 46 to 78 m below Chart Datum on the Malin Shelf, and the coralline red alga Phymatolithon rugulosum at 90 m on the Rockall Plateau. The use of Conchocelis growing in shells as a means of assessing the lower limits of the photic zone is restricted to coastal waters where an adequate Porphyra spore 'rain' is likely.
Last change: 18.3.2025