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Seilacher, 1977a
Pattern analysis of Paleodictyon and related trace fossils
Seilacher, A.
Year | 1977 |
Book | Trace Fossils 2 |
Editor(s) | Crimes, T. R., Harper, J. C. |
Publisher | Seel House Press |
Publisher place | Liverpool |
Journal | Geological Journal |
Belongs to | Crimes & Harper, 1977 (eds.) |
Volume | 9 |
Pages | 289-334 |
Type | article in book |
Language | English |
Id | 6877 |
Graphoglyptid burrows, preserved as erosional casts on the soles of flysch turbidites, represent a seemingly homogeneous group. Preservational effects cli minatcd, their regular and highly diverse patterns rellect the adjustment of a few basic behavioural programmes to diff erent nutritional strategies within the food-restricted, but stable, biotopc of deer-sea muds.
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