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Kleesment & Kurshs, 1977
Raspredelenie akcessornyh mineralov v nižne-srednedevonskih otloženiâh Pribaltiki
Kleesment, A. E., Kurshs, V. M.
Year | 1977 |
Title translated | Distribution of accessory minerals in the Lower-Middle Devonian sediments of the Baltic |
Title original | Распределение акцессорных минералов в нижне-среднедевонских отложениях Прибалтики |
Book | Paleozoic lithology and mineral resources of the Baltic |
Book title translated | Paleozoic lithology and mineral resources of the Baltic |
Book title original | Литология и полезные ископаемые палеозойских отложений Прибалтики |
Publisher | Zinatne |
Publisher place | Riga |
Belongs to | Kurshs, 1977 (ed) |
Pages | 51-63 |
Type | article in book |
Figures | 5 |
Estonian author | |
Language | Russian |
Id | 743 |
Last change: 7.3.2022