Pages | Title | Author(s) |
5-5 | Preface | Kaljo, D., Nestor, H. | |
14-14 | Later Ashgillian (Hirnantian) in Poland | Bednarczyk, W., Hints, L., Podhalańska, T. | |
18-19 | Palynological study of the Devonian series of the East Baltic area: preliminary results from the Gauja Regional Stage at Küllatova, Estonia | Blieck, A., Candilier, A.-M., Loboziak, S., Mark-Kurik, E. | |
20-21 | Isotopic data and biostratigraphy - an Ordovician case study | Brenchley, P. J., Hints, L., Marshall, J. D., Martma, T., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J., Oraspõld, A. | |
23-23 | The stratigraphic scheme of the Estonian Ordovician and Silurian against the background of the cyclic evolution | Einasto, R. | |
24-25 | Hecker-type mud mounds as a result of brachiopod biofiltration activity: a variant of interpretation | Fedorov, P. | |
28-28 | Scolecodonts and stratigraphy: an example from upper Middle Ordovician of North Estonia | Hints, O. | |
29-30 | Palaeobiology and stratigraphy of Vendian trace fossils | Jensen, S. | |
29-29 | Stratigraphic division of the deposits of the Kunda and Aseri stages (Ladoga Glint) and trilobites of the genus Asaphus | Ivantsov, A. Yu | |
31-32 | Carbon isotope event stratigraphy of the east Baltic Silurian | Kaljo, D., Kiipli, T., Martma, T. | |
33-36 | Two stratigraphical schemes of the Pleistocene deposits in Estonia | Liivrand, E. | |
34-34 | Vertebrate microremains from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of Belarus | Kruchek, S., Valiukevičius, J., Märss, T. | |
35-36 | Attempted correlation of the upper part of the Famennian deposits of Baltic and Central Russia by vertebrates | Lebedev, O. A., Lukševičs, E. | |
36-37 | Submorainic periglacial deposits of Estonia | Liivrand, E. | |
37-38 | Late Devonian placoderm zonation of the Main Devonian Field | Lukševičs, E., Ivanov, A. | |
38-39 | Evolution of Pterospathodus and a detailed zonation for Telychian (Early Silurian) | Männik, P. | |
39-41 | Stage boundary problems in the East Baltic Devonian | Mark-Kurik, E. | PDF |
41-42 | Correlation of the Silurian vertebrate zones of the East Baltic | Märss, T., Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. | |
43-44 | Evidence of Volkhovian sea-level changes in the Saka section (North Estonia) | Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. | |
44-45 | Biostratigraphic interpretation of the Upper Cambrian conglomerates of northern Estonia | Mens, K., Puura, I., Viira, V., Paalits, I., Nemliher, J. | |
45-46 | Wenlock oceanic episodes and events in the succession of chitinozoans in Estonia | Nestor, V. | |
46-47 | Are rugose corals useful in high-resolution biostratigraphy in the Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia? | Neuman, B. E. E. | |
47-47 | High-resolution chitinozoan biostratigraphy of some Ordovician events in Baltoscandia | Nõlvak, J. | |
53-54 | The Pakerort Stage: current boundary concepts and biostratigraphic studies in the stratotype area | Puura, I., Viira, V. | |
54-55 | Litostratigraphy of glacial tills in Saadjärve drumlin field area | Rattas, M., Kalm, V. | |
56-56 | Investigation of extraterrestrial spherules and microimpactites - a new tool in regional stratigraphy | Raukas, A. | |
56-57 | East Baltic Silurian ostracode succession and its use in regional chronostratigraphy | Rubel, M., Sarv, L. | |
61-61 | The Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds from offshore South Norway | Smelror, M., Cocks, L. R. M., Mørk, A., Neuman, B. E. E., Nakrem, H. A. | |
63-64 | Investigation of marine subfossil mollusc shells for stratigraphical purposes in Estonia | Tavast, E. | |
68-68 | Late Ordovician carbonate buildups and erosional features in the Baltic Sea NE of Gotland | Tuuling, I., Flodén, T. | |
72-73 | Ludlow and Přidoli conodont zones in the northern East Baltic | Viira, V. | |
75-75 | New data on the brachiopod genus Platystrophia (Orthida, Plectorthidae) from the Lower Ordovician of the Leningrad Region | Zuykov, M. A. | |
80-83 | A glimpse on bedrock stratigraphy | Nestor, H. | |
84-88 | Peetri hillock | Nõlvak, J., Hints, L. | |
88-92 | Pakri Peninsula | Mens, K., Puura, I. | |
93-97 | Vasalemma quarry | Hints, L. | |
98-100 | Pääsküla hillock | Nõlvak, J. | |
100-105 | Mäekalda section | Einasto, R., Puura, I., Viira, V. | |
105-106 | Kirimäe quarry | Nestor, H. | |
106-107 | Pusku (Ungru-Sepaküla) | Einasto, R., Männik, P. | |
107-109 | Päri outcrop | Kaljo, D., Einasto, R. | |
109-110 | Anelema quarry | Einasto, R. | |
111-111 | Tori Põrgu ("Hell") | Kleesment, A. | |
117-121 | Main outlines of the Estonian Quaternary stratigraphy | Raukas, A. | |
122-125 | Lake Ülemiste | Saarse, L. | |
126-128 | Lake Maardu | Veski, S., Heinsalu, A. | |
128-129 | Stone-cist graves at Jõelähtme | Saarse, L. | |
129-132 | Lake Kahala | Saarse, L., Poska, A. | |
132-135 | Kunda Lammasmägi - Mesolithic settlement site | Poska, A. | |
132-132 | Kunda | Raukas, A. | |
136-139 | Clay-varve chronology and the possible correlation with the St. Petersburg area and the Swedish time scale | Hang, T. | |
139-142 | Viitna | Saarse, L. | |
142-143 | Lake Harku | Heinsalu, A., Veski, S. | |
143-144 | Vääna-Jõesuu intermorainic deposits | Raukas, A. | |
144-145 | Türisalu escarpment | Raukas, A. | |
145-146 | Keila-Joa missile base and Keila | Raukas, A. | |
146-150 | Piirsalu | Veski, S., Poska, A. | |
151-152 | Palivere ice marginal formations | Raukas, A. | |
152-154 | Magnetostratigraphy of varved clays | Hang, T., Sandgren, P. | |