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Meidla et al., 1996 (eds)

The Third Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Abstracts. Field Guide

Meidla, T., Puura, I., Nemliher, J., Raukas, A., Saarse, L. (eds)
PublisherTartu University Press
Publisher placeTartu
Estonian author


8-12 October 1996


5-5PrefaceKaljo, D., Nestor, H.
14-14Later Ashgillian (Hirnantian) in PolandBednarczyk, W., Hints, L., Podhalańska, T.
18-19Palynological study of the Devonian series of the East Baltic area: preliminary results from the Gauja Regional Stage at Küllatova, EstoniaBlieck, A., Candilier, A.-M., Loboziak, S., Mark-Kurik, E.
20-21Isotopic data and biostratigraphy - an Ordovician case studyBrenchley, P. J., Hints, L., Marshall, J. D., Martma, T., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J., Oraspõld, A.
23-23The stratigraphic scheme of the Estonian Ordovician and Silurian against the background of the cyclic evolutionEinasto, R.
24-25Hecker-type mud mounds as a result of brachiopod biofiltration activity: a variant of interpretationFedorov, P.
28-28Scolecodonts and stratigraphy: an example from upper Middle Ordovician of North EstoniaHints, O.
29-30Palaeobiology and stratigraphy of Vendian trace fossilsJensen, S.
29-29Stratigraphic division of the deposits of the Kunda and Aseri stages (Ladoga Glint) and trilobites of the genus AsaphusIvantsov, A. Yu
31-32Carbon isotope event stratigraphy of the east Baltic SilurianKaljo, D., Kiipli, T., Martma, T.
33-36Two stratigraphical schemes of the Pleistocene deposits in EstoniaLiivrand, E.
34-34Vertebrate microremains from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of BelarusKruchek, S., Valiukevičius, J., Märss, T.
35-36Attempted correlation of the upper part of the Famennian deposits of Baltic and Central Russia by vertebratesLebedev, O. A., Lukševičs, E.
36-37Submorainic periglacial deposits of EstoniaLiivrand, E.
37-38Late Devonian placoderm zonation of the Main Devonian FieldLukševičs, E., Ivanov, A.
38-39Evolution of Pterospathodus and a detailed zonation for Telychian (Early Silurian)Männik, P.
39-41Stage boundary problems in the East Baltic DevonianMark-Kurik, E. PDF
41-42Correlation of the Silurian vertebrate zones of the East BalticMärss, T., Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V.
43-44Evidence of Volkhovian sea-level changes in the Saka section (North Estonia)Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L.
44-45Biostratigraphic interpretation of the Upper Cambrian conglomerates of northern EstoniaMens, K., Puura, I., Viira, V., Paalits, I., Nemliher, J.
45-46Wenlock oceanic episodes and events in the succession of chitinozoans in EstoniaNestor, V.
46-47Are rugose corals useful in high-resolution biostratigraphy in the Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia?Neuman, B. E. E.
47-47High-resolution chitinozoan biostratigraphy of some Ordovician events in BaltoscandiaNõlvak, J.
53-54The Pakerort Stage: current boundary concepts and biostratigraphic studies in the stratotype areaPuura, I., Viira, V.
54-55Litostratigraphy of glacial tills in Saadjärve drumlin field areaRattas, M., Kalm, V.
56-56Investigation of extraterrestrial spherules and microimpactites - a new tool in regional stratigraphyRaukas, A.
56-57East Baltic Silurian ostracode succession and its use in regional chronostratigraphyRubel, M., Sarv, L.
61-61The Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds from offshore South NorwaySmelror, M., Cocks, L. R. M., Mørk, A., Neuman, B. E. E., Nakrem, H. A.
63-64Investigation of marine subfossil mollusc shells for stratigraphical purposes in EstoniaTavast, E.
68-68Late Ordovician carbonate buildups and erosional features in the Baltic Sea NE of GotlandTuuling, I., Flodén, T.
72-73Ludlow and Přidoli conodont zones in the northern East BalticViira, V.
75-75New data on the brachiopod genus Platystrophia (Orthida, Plectorthidae) from the Lower Ordovician of the Leningrad RegionZuykov, M. A.
80-83A glimpse on bedrock stratigraphyNestor, H.
84-88Peetri hillockNõlvak, J., Hints, L.
88-92Pakri PeninsulaMens, K., Puura, I.
93-97Vasalemma quarryHints, L.
98-100Pääsküla hillockNõlvak, J.
100-105Mäekalda sectionEinasto, R., Puura, I., Viira, V.
105-106Kirimäe quarryNestor, H.
106-107Pusku (Ungru-Sepaküla)Einasto, R., Männik, P.
107-109Päri outcropKaljo, D., Einasto, R.
109-110Anelema quarryEinasto, R.
111-111Tori Põrgu ("Hell")Kleesment, A.
117-121Main outlines of the Estonian Quaternary stratigraphyRaukas, A.
122-125Lake ÜlemisteSaarse, L.
126-128Lake MaarduVeski, S., Heinsalu, A.
128-129Stone-cist graves at JõelähtmeSaarse, L.
129-132Lake KahalaSaarse, L., Poska, A.
132-135Kunda Lammasmägi - Mesolithic settlement sitePoska, A.
132-132KundaRaukas, A.
136-139Clay-varve chronology and the possible correlation with the St. Petersburg area and the Swedish time scaleHang, T.
139-142ViitnaSaarse, L.
142-143Lake HarkuHeinsalu, A., Veski, S.
143-144Vääna-Jõesuu intermorainic depositsRaukas, A.
144-145Türisalu escarpmentRaukas, A.
145-146Keila-Joa missile base and KeilaRaukas, A.
146-150PiirsaluVeski, S., Poska, A.
151-152Palivere ice marginal formationsRaukas, A.
152-154Magnetostratigraphy of varved claysHang, T., Sandgren, P.
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