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Saadre et al., 2004

Ordovician stratigraphy of the Kovel-1 well (Volkhov-Haljala) in the Volynia region, northwestern Ukraine

Saadre, T., Einasto, R., Nõlvak, J., Stouge, S.
JournalBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Typearticle in journal
Estonian author


The Ordovician succession of the Kovel-1 well in the Volynia region, northwestern Ukraine is composed of a basal 0.6 m thick siliciclastic unit succeeded by 24.7 m Lower and lower Middle Ordovician carbonate sediments. The carbonate rocks are divided into 13 informal lithologic units. The carbonate sediments accumulated in marine shallow water open shelf and shoal or turbulent environs. Biostratigraphically, the succession is referred to seven chitinozoan zones and 12 conodont biozones. Integration, chronostratigraphic position and correlation of the proposed biozones with those from Baltoscandia are briefly discussed. Four major unconformities are recognized within the succession: 1) the Pakerort(?)–Volkhov unconformity, 2) the mid Volkhov unconformity, 3) the early Kunda unconformity and 4) the early Mid Ordovician hiatus. The latter straddles the Oeland–Viru regional Series boundary in the well. The early Mid Ordovician unconformity is prominent and the corresponding hiatus spans the Aseri and Lasnamägi regional stages (= upper Darriwilian). A complex of cyclic transgressive–regressive depositional pattern prevailed and the whole succession is referred to three major depositional cycles. The major depositional cycles are related to global eustatic sea-level cycles in general and hypothetic way to tectonic events caused by collisions of Peri-Gondwanan microcontinents with Baltica.

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