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Crimes & Harper, 1970 (eds)

Trace Fossils. (Proceedings of an International Conference held at Liverpool University, January 1970, under the auspices of Liverpool Geological Society and sponsored by the International Union of Geological Sciences)

Crimes, T. P, Harper, J. C.
PublisherSeel House Press
Publisher placeLiverpool
JournalGeological Journal


19-34Trace fossiIs from the late Precambrian and Lower Cambrian of Finnmark, NorwayBanks, N. L.
35-42Rusophycus as an indication of early Cambrian ageBergström, J.
43-48On bryozoan borings from the Danian at Fakse, DenmarkBoekschoten, G. J.
49-90Borings as trace fossils and Entobia cretacea Portlock, as an exampleBromley, R. G.
91-100Trace fossils from the late Precambrian/lower Cambrian of East GreenlandCowie, J. W., Spencer, A. M.
101–126The significance of trace fossils in sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoecology with examples from Lower Palaeozoic strataCrimes, T. P.
127-140Palaeontological implications of a biological study of rock-boring clams (Family Pholadidae)Evans, J. W.
167-178Comparative study on some Jurassic and Recent endolithic Fungi using scanning electron microscopeGatrall, M., Golubic, S.
201−214Star-like trace fossilsHäntzschel, W.
215–226Palaeoichnological research in the Palaeontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSRHecker, R. F.
243–262Burrowing patterns of haustoriid amphipods from Sapelo Island, GeorgiaHoward, J. D., Elders, C. A
263-292Trace fossils in the chalk environmentKennedy, W. J.
283 – 322Observations on the ichnofauna of the Polish CarpathiansKsiążkiewicz, M.
323-330Toponomy of trace fossilsMartinsson, A.
335–344A symbiotic relationship between Lingula and the coral Heliolites in the SilurianNewall, G.
345-360The trilobite ichnocoenoses in the Cambrian sequence of the Holy Cross MountainsOrłowski, S. Radwanski, A., Roniewicz, P.
371-390Dependence of rock-borers and burrowers on the environmental conditions within the Tortonian littoral zone of Southern PolandRadwański, A.
407-438Late Devonian-Early Mississippian ichnofossils from western Montana and northern UtahRodrigues, J., Gutschick, R. C.
447-476Cruziana stratigraphy of “non–fossiliferous” Palaeozoic sandstonesSeilacher, A.
489-504The relation of trace fossils to small scale sedimentary cycles in the British LiasSellwood, B. W.
515-526Traces and significance of marine rock borersWarme, J. E.
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