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Sokolov, 1960 (ed)

International Geological Congress. XXI Session. Reports of Soviet Geologists. Problem 7. Ordovician and Silurian Stratigraphy and Correlations

Sokolov, B. S.
BookInternational Geological Congress. XXI Session. Reports of Soviet Geologists. Problem 7. Ordovician and Silurian Stratigraphy and Correlations
Book title originalСтратиграфия и корреляция ордовика и силура. Междунар Геол Конгр., XXI сессия. Докл сов геологов. Проблема 7
PublisherGosudarstvennoe nauchno-tehnicheskoye izdatel'stvo neftyanoi i gorno-toplivnoi literatury
Publisher placeLeningrad
Last change: 29.5.2024
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