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Viira & Einasto, 2003

Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds and conodonts of Saaremaa Island, Estonia

Viira, V., Einasto, R.
JournalProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology
Typearticle in journal
Estonian author


Conodonts of the genus Ctenognathodus form an important part of the fossil fauna through the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds on Saaremaa Island. In the collections from the Anikaitse, Hülge, and Soeginina cliffs of the uppermost Rootsiküla and lowermost Paadla stages three new species of Ctenognathodus are identified, together with two new species of Ozarkodina. One more new species, Ctenognathodus jeppssoni sp. nov., is described from the Sauvere Beds of the Paadla Stage. Conodont evidence suggests that the Soeginina Beds in the stratotype section are the lowest stratigraphic unit of the Paadla Stage and the Ludlow Series, as presumed earlier by cyclostratigraphic investigations. The layers of the Anikaitse cliff with unique conodont fauna are considered as an independent rock-unit - the Anikaitse Beds.


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