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Kalm et al., 1993 (eds)

Environmental history of the Baltic Region. PACT course in Estonia 1993. Excursion Guide

Kalm, V., Puura, I., Kurvits, T., Meidla, T. (eds)
Publisher placeTartu-Uppsala-Stockholm
Estonian author


4-13Introduction to Estonian geologyKalm, V., Kirs, J., Puura, I.
14-14Mäekalda sectionPuura, I.
14-15Maardu quarriesKurvits, T.
15-15Kostivere Karst FieldPuura, E.
15-15Jõelähtme stone-cist gravesKalm, V.
16-16Jägala FallMeidla, T.
16-16Eskers and kames at AegviiduKalm, V.
17-19Lahemaa National ParkKalm, V., Mens, K., Kirs, J.
19-20Porkuni quarry and Limestone museumKurvits, T.
19-19Viru peat-bogKink, H.
19-19Viitna kame field, esker and lakes. Eskers and lakes at NeerutiKalm, V.
20-21Rakvere esker and castleKalm, V.
21-21Pandivere water protection areaKink, H.
21-22Kunda Lammasmägi - mesolithic settlement siteKalm, V.
22-22Aluvere Quarry, Middle OrdovicianPuura, I.
22-22Oil shale basinPuura, I., Bauert, H.
23-23Environmental impact of oil shale industryPuura, E., Puura, I.
24-24The Baltic Clint at OntikaPuura, I.
24-24NarvaKalm, V.
24-25Shorelines and beach at Narva-JõesuuKalm, V.
25-25Lake PeipsiKalm, V.
25-27Vooremaa drumlin fieldKalm, V.
27-27TartuKalm, V., Meidla, T.
27-27Laeva marginal eskerKalm, V.
28-28TaevaskojaKalm, V.
28-28Ilumetsa meteorite cratersKalm, V.
29-29Piusa outcropMeidla, T.
29-29Haanja Heights and Suur Munamägi HillKalm, V.
29-29Rõuge ancient valley, lakes and hillfortKalm, V.
29-31Otepää Heights and Lake PühajärvKalm, V.
31-31The depression of Lake VõrtsjärvKalm, V.
32-32Tamme outcropMeidla, T.
32-33Viljandi ancient valley, lake and castle hillKalm, V.
33-33Lõhavere esker and hillfortKalm, V.
33-33Dune field at RannametsaKalm, V.
33-33Dwelling site at PulliKalm, V.
33-34Tori sectionKalm, V.
Last change: 23.5.2022
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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