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Seilacher, 1996b

Evolution of burrowing behavior in Silurian trilobites: ichnosubspecies of Cruziana acacensis

Seilacher, A.
BookThe geology of Sirt Basin, Volume 1
Editor(s)Salem, M. J., Mouzughi,A. J., Hammuda, O. S.
PublisherElsevier Science
Publisher placeAmsterdam
Typearticle in book


The Acacus section in SW Libya provides a unique opportunity to match graptolite stratigraphy in the anoxic facies with trace fossil stratigraphy in the prograding sandy facies of a Silurian basin. In the Lower Silurian part of the Acacus Sandstone, behavioural modifications of Cruziana acacensis may allow further refinement of the established ichnostratigraphic scheme


in Japanese
Last change: 10.1.2024
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