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Knaust et al., 2012

Shallow-marine carbonates

Knaust, D., Curran, H. A., Dronov, A. V.
BookTrace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments
Editor(s)Knaust, D., Bromley, R. G.
Publisher placeAmsterdam
JournalDevelopments in Sedimentology
Belongs toKnaust & Bromley 2012 (eds)
Typechapter in book


The ichnology of carbonate sedimentary systems is less well studied compared to that of siliciclastic systems. Shallow-marine carbonates differ from their siliciclastic counterparts by a number of criteria, such as the composition and distribution of trace-fossil associations, broad and very shallow facies belts with intense bioturbation and subaerial exporsure, and a strong impact of diagenetic processes on carbonate sediments. Early cementation typically leads to the occurrence of firmgrounds and hardgrounds with intense bioerosion and preferential trace-fossil preservation. The Psilonichnus, Skolithos, and Cruziana ichnofacies are important for the reconstruction of paleoenvironments on carbonate shelves (or ramps), whereas the substrate-controlled Glossifungites and Trypanites ichnofacies can overprint the former ones during periods with stagnant or low net-sediment accumulation. The value of ichnological analysis in shallow-marine carbonates is demonstrated on Middle Ordovician cool-water carbonates in Russia, Middle Triassic epicontinental carbonates in Germany, the Quaternary rimmed carbonate platform of the Bahamas, and the Quaternary homoclinal carbonate ramp of the southern Arabian Gulf.


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