Virtual reference collection

Graptolite argillite literature

ResTA Project


Geology, valorization, and related environmental constraints of Estonian polymetallic black shales.


Library references

465 results
Alteration of organic macerals by uranium irradiation in lower Paleozoic marine shales
Zheng, X., Schovsbo, N. H., Bian, L., Luo, Q., Zhong, N., Rudra, A., Goodarzi, F., Sanei, H.
International Journal of Coal Geology
Year: 2021 | Volume: 239 | Pages: 103713 | article in journal
Fine clay shuttle as a key mechanism for V hyper-enrichment in shallow water Tremadocian black shale from Baltica
Ndiaye, M., Pajusaar, S., Liiv, M., Graul, S., Kallaste, T., Hints, R.
Chemical Geology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 634 | Pages: 121583 | article in journal
Nitrogen and organic carbon isotope record in Tremadocian highly metalliferous black shales from Baltica
Ndiaye, M., Liiv, M., Kallaste, T., Graul, S., Hints, R.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 78-81 | article in journal
Optical characteristics of graptolite-bearing sediments and its implication for thermal maturity assessment
Luo, Q., Hao, J., Skovsted, C. B., Xu, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, S., Wang, W.
International Journal of Coal Geology
Year: 2018 | Volume: 195 | Pages: 386-401 | article in journal
Review of the extraction of key metallic values from black shales in relation to their geological and mineralogical properties
Vind, J., Tamm, K.
Minerals Engineering
Year: 2021 | Volume: 174 | Pages: 107271 | article in journal
Aruanne mustade kiltade formatsiooni potentsiaalsest maagisisaldusest ja ainelisest koostisest Põhja-Eestis
Petersell, V., Põldvere, A., Petersell, E., Klein, V.
Year: 1982 | report
Eeliseloomustus Toolse maardla (ENSV) diktüoneemakilda kompleksse ümbertöötamise protsessist ja selle tehnilis-majanduslikust hinnangust
Kitsnik, A., Ahelik, V., Uuesoo, R., Polonski, A., Timofejeva, N., Lindaru, E., Palvadre, R., Koch, R., Pärn, A., Vaide, M.
Year: 1977 | report
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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